Contact Us
- 01384 816015
The Wordsley School
Brierley Hill Road
Near Stourbridge
West Midlands
Mr Burton has written to parents with revised details of our reporting procedures for the remaining part of the academic year, following changes to comply
Monday 19th September – Thursday 20th October These occasions offer the opportunity for parents/carers of pupils in Year 6 and their children to visit us
Thursday 20th October, 5.30pm – 8.00pm An opportunity to meet staff, current pupils and discover how we inspire and engage pupils in their learning. Our
We are holding a non-uniform day on Friday 1st October to raise funds for the Sue Ryder Foundation and to support Mr Burton as he
As a result of the success of our virtual meetings in the summer, we will be using a virtual booking system for appointments for the
Letters have been sent to parents to advise of the early school closure on Thursday 7th July in order to celebrate our current Year 11
I trust that this letter finds you well and that you and your family have enjoyed a restful Easter break and an equally peaceful bank
As a result of the success of our virtual meetings in the summer, we will be using the same virtual model for the Year 10
As a result of the success of our virtual meetings in the summer, we will be using a virtual booking system for appointments for the
The Wordsley School
Brierley Hill Road
Near Stourbridge
West Midlands