Letter to parents – updates to the school Covid guidance

Following the removal of all legal COVID-19 restrictions today, I thought you may find it helpful, ahead of your child’s return to school on Monday, for me to provide you with some additional clarity regarding our school’s stance on the removal of the legal duty to self-isolate following a positive COVID-19 test result or following the development of COVID-19 symptoms. Whilst generally I am pleased to see the further easing of restrictions, I am mindful that the virus is still prevalent in our society and as such, in-line with Public Health guidance, I would urge you to continue to show caution in terms of sending your child to school, following a positive COVID-19 test result or following the development of COVID-19 symptoms.


The Wordsley School
Brierley Hill Road
Near Stourbridge
West Midlands

Open Mornings

Please click here to view the letter