Contact us

We look forward to

Meeting You

Effective communication between you as parents/carers and the school, is an essential part of supporting your child in their progress. Whilst there are set dates in the school calendar for you to come into school to meet your child’s teachers, there will also be instances outside of these times, when you may wish to make contact with an individual member of staff within the school. To support you in being able to do this effectively, we ask that you follow the simple guidance below:

Twin students smiling on school grounds
Boy smiling in front of school entrance

Who to contact

With almost 130 members of staff at the school, sometimes it is difficult to know who to contact.

  • If your query relates to an academic issue, we ask that you contact your child’s subject teacher in the first instance. Your child’s subject teacher will be able to liaise with the Head of Department for that subject if this is necessary. On rare occasions, it may be appropriate to contact the Head of Department first, rather than the teacher directly, however, this will not normally be the case.
  • E.g. If you have a query about your son/daughter’s progress in English or if you have a query regarding the homework set by your child’s mathematics teacher, you should contact your son/daughter’s English or mathematics teacher directly, as necessary.
  • If your query relates to a non-academic issue, we ask that you contact your child’s tutor, who is the first point of contact regarding any pastoral issues. Your child’s tutor will be able to liaise with your child’s Head of House if this is necessary.
  • E.g. If you have a query relating to a friendship issue at school that you wish for us to be aware of or help resolve, you should contact your child’s tutor.
  • There are a very small number of pupils for whom the first point of contact should be our Pastoral Team. If this is the case, this will have been previously agreed between the parent/carer and the respective member of staff.
  • There are a number of other departments within the school, whom you may wish to contact, such as: – Admissions, Attendance, Exams, Finance, IT or School Reception

Visit us in person

There are times when you may value the opportunity to have a conversation in person with a member of staff. If this is the case, please use one of the below forms of communication to request a meeting. Given the number of pupils at the school, it is highly unlikely that if you arrive in Reception without an appointment that you will be able to see the member of staff whom you would wish to.

Call us

Donna, Julie and Rojina is happy to answer any questions you have. You can call her on (01384) 816015 followed by option 2.

Phone lines are open between 8:00am and 4:00pm (Monday to Thursday) and 8:15am to 3:30pm (Friday). Any calls received after this time on a Friday will not be heard until Monday.

Email us

It is perfectly acceptable to email. Please address your email to the person whom you would like to receive it, given the guidance above and then send this email to

We endeavour to respond to all emails within 2 working days. If you have a query that will take longer than this to respond fully to, you should receive an initial response within 2 working days and then a fuller response in due course.

Write to us

If you wish to write to a member of staff by letter, please address your letter as follows:

The Wordsley School
Brierley Hill Road
Near Stourbridge
West Midlands

We endeavour to respond to letters within five working days of receiving them.


See below to acces the Learning4Life website.

The Wordsley Playgroup

A wonderfully supportive environment dedicated to stimulating young minds. Offering daily sessions Monday to Friday.

To contact playgroup, please call the following number: 01384 918740.

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Open Mornings

Please click here to view the letter