Pupil Parliament

Wordsley Pupil Leadership

Increasing the opportunities for a diverse range of pupils to participate, contribute and shape the future of our school will be an invaluable and extremely rewarding experience. Wordsley Pupil Leadership aims to accomplish this via two distinct sections; Pupil Parliament and House Prefects.

Pupil Parliament

The Pupil Parliament is structured much like the government, being made up of individual Ministries. Each Ministry has a specific focus and £500 budget for improving The Wordsley School and its local community.

Pupil Parliament promotes pupil leadership opportunities that enable pupils to develop valuable communication, organisation and debating skills through key roles of responsibility and new experiences. The planned structure will be an opportunity for pupils across all years and houses to work together.

Pupil Parliament benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers, providing opportunities for pupils to communicate their opinions as well as influence the decisions that are made on their behalf. Furthermore, this provides pupils with the opportunity to be a leading figure, providing enjoyment and satisfaction in shaping the future direction of the school.

The core aims of the Pupil Parliament are

  • To increase opportunities for pupil participation and leadership within school.
  • To represent all pupils by a body of pupils from a broad spectrum of the school.
  • To listen to the views and concerns of all pupils and make positive change.
  • To communicate the entire decision making process to pupils.

Who can be a member of Pupil Parliament?

Pupils will have an opportunity to apply to become a member of the Pupil Parliament at the beginning of each term with no interview. Those seeking lead positions will be interviewed by Assistant Headteacher / Personal Development , Head Boy, Head Girl and a lead member of staff at the beginning of each school year.

What are the Ministries?

  • Internal fixtures & fittings.
  • Grounds.
  • Facilities.
  • Develop and initiate strategies for peer-to-peer support.
  • Develop strategies for sustainability within the school and local community.
  • Discuss curriculum and extended/extra curricular activities. 
  • Debate and consult on school rewards and sanctions.
  • Complete behaviour walks.
  • Organise key fundraising events.
  • Co-ordinate house events.

In each Ministry there will be the following positions


No. of Pupils

Roles and responsibilities

Lead Minister

(Year 10)

1 per Ministry

Chair meetings

Set the agenda

Oversight and control of the development plan

Finance Minister

(Year 10)

1 per Ministry

Management of the Ministry budget

Liaise with ‘Lead Staff’ for purchasing

Promotion & Liaison


(Years 7 to 10)

4 per Ministry

Take minutes of meetings and share with school (take turns)

In charge of all advertising and publicity (physical and online)

Oversee communication with form representatives

Ministry Representative

(Years 7 to 10)

10+ per Ministry

Contribute to the creation of the development plan

Suggest, discuss and debate agenda items

Undertake projects/promotion/liaison

Boy in the library smiling over the top of a book

Lead Staff


No. of Staff

Roles and responsibilities

Lead Staff

4 for Pupil Parliament


1 House Prefects

Support Ministry meetings

Budgetary guidance


Selection and management of Prefects

Facilitate Prefect fundraising and activities

Pupil Parliament Structure

  • Lead Ministry members meet once at the beginning of each term for strategic planning, discussing priorities and setting agenda items. 
  • Each Ministry holds one meeting per half-term to debate agenda items, issues and initiatives within the focus of the Ministry. 
  • Succession – the position of Lead Minister is for one year. When this has concluded, the pupil may apply for Head Boy/Girl and Senior Prefect or provide support for the next Lead Minister.
Four students talking and smiling while walking through the school grounds

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Lead Parliament & HB/HG Meeting


Lead Parliament & HB/HG Meeting


Lead Parliament & HB/HG Meeting


Ministry Meeting (week following LPPM)

Ministry Meeting (week following LPPM)

Ministry Meeting (week following LPPM)

Ministry Meeting (week following LPPM)

Ministry Meeting (week following LPPM)

Ministry Meeting (week following LPPM)

House Prefects and Promotions

PositionNo. of PupilsRoles and responsibilities
Head Prefects3

Deliver speech at Induction Evening

Deliver speech at Presentation Evening

Represent school at key events.

Involved in Pupil Parliament interviews

Lead Senior Prefect team

Lead discussion and organisation of fundraising events

House Captains 1 per House

Deputise for Head Boy/Girl where necessary

Team leader for Behaviour Walks – monitoring attendance

Participate in Award Assemblies

Lead discussion and organisation of House events

Senior Prefect Team

Wellbeing Captains

Sustainability Captains

Events Captains

Sports Captains

First Aid Captain

Further Senior Prefects








Conduct ‘Behaviour Walks’ in duty team

Give support and guidance to Year 10 Prefects

Participate in school fundraising events

Participate in school House Events

Year 10 Prefects8 per House

Conduct ‘Behaviour Walks’ in duty team

Participate in school fundraising events

Participate in school House Events

Roles within Prefect Structure

Event Organisers – Raise awareness, recruit and record pupil participation at events.

House Promotion – Notice boards and promotions.

Sports Captain – Recruit and record pupil participation in Sports Day and sporting events.

House Prefect Structure

Year 1

Year 2

Summer Term

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 10 

Senior Prefect Team and Head Prefects

Continue in Year 11


Head Prefects Open Evening

Head Prefects Presentation Evening


Year 10 

Prefect Training/Shadowing Year 11 on duty

Year 10 

Senior Prefect Team and Head Prefects


Open Mornings

Please click here to view the letter