
Ofsted last visited the school in February 2024.


“A culture of warmth and friendliness and welcome is evident throughout the school”

  • “This school continues to be good.”
  • “Staff are committed to the school and they said they are proud to work at Wordsley.”
  • “The Headteacher and senior leadership team provide clear and principled leadership which is appreciated by pupils, parents and staff.”
  • One parent summed the views of many when they wrote in Parent View: ‘This is a fantastic school.  It is very well managed and all the staff are very helpful.  Pupils are well behaved and always look like they are enjoying being at school.  My child has come on in all aspects since joining the school.’
  • Another parent expressed similar sentiments when they wrote: ‘The teachers have encouraged my child and given them so much confidence.  As a parent I couldn’t wish for a better school for my child.’
  • “Parents recognise and value the school’s caring and ambitious ethos.”
  • “Safeguarding is effective.  This area of the school’s work is well led.”
  • Pupils confirm that “they feel safe in school.  They said that bullying is rare and they expressed confidence in the school’s staff to deal with any that might occur.”
  • “Leaders have thoughtfully planned the school’s curriculum, carefully taking into account pupils’ needs and interests.”
  • “Leaders refusal to allow the curriculum to be determined by performance-table measures is to be commended.”
  • “In all years, pupils enjoy their studies.”
  • “Attitudes to learning are strong and pupils are keen to do well.”
  • “Middle-attaining pupils have achieved well, as have high-attaining pupils”

Open Mornings

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