
Pastoral care at The Wordsley School is an essential foundation to ensure the physical, emotional welfare and academic progress of our pupils.

Good pastoral care is fundamental to the development of character and social skills, which will be of critical importance to pupils when leaving education.

The backbone of our school is the strong pastoral system that is in place to nurture and support our pupils. Our pastoral system comprises four houses, each of which have names which connect the school to the local glass industry, which is known worldwide. Each house has seven tutor groups, each consisting of pupils from the five different year groups.

Our ‘mixed-age tutor groups’ have proved very popular with both pupils and parents over the years. Children from the same family are usually placed in the same tutor group, which helps us to retain excellent communication between school and home, and nurture a strong partnership to support our pupils over the five years they are with us. The tutor will normally be the first point of contact for parents at the school.

Two students smiling in front of Wordsley direction signpost

Open Mornings

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