
The School Admissions Service is the main point of contact relating to all matters concerning school admissions and the admission appeals process.

Their website has specific information and guides on applying to secondary school for Year 7 pupils, and for in year transfers.

The Service administers the arrangements for children starting primary school and for children transferring from primary to secondary school. Parents who wish to transfer between schools should contact the service for advice.

If you would like to make any changes to a submitted application please call Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345 and ask for the Admissions team. 

Please note that we, as a school, cannot confirm places, chase applications or provide application forms.

Advice from our current Year 7 pupils

  • ‘Try and get involved in House competitions to support your form and House team’
  • ‘It’s not as scary as you think!’
  • ‘Don’t worry about getting lost. You can follow other people or just ask!’
  • ‘Find your true friends and stick with them’
  • ‘The teachers are nice- they’re friendly’
  • ‘Always listen to the teacher’
  • ‘Be on time every morning and for every lesson’
  • ‘Go to the toilet at break and lunch’
  • ‘Don’t give up’
  • ‘Work hard, be yourself and find friends from other primary schools’
  • ‘If bullying happens, tell an adult’
  • ‘Be polite to students and teachers’
  • ‘Always have correct uniform on’
  • ‘Don’t copy each other’s behaviour. Be confident and be yourself’
  • ‘Don’t work yourself up about coming to Wordsley. Don’t get worried- it’s not as bad as you think!’
  • ‘Don’t be nervous- have a good time!’
  • ‘Always ask for help’
  • ‘Be tolerant of people’
  • ‘If you’re unsure or unhappy, go to your tutor or Head of House’
  • ‘Don’t skip school- you’ll get caught!’
Two girls reading together in the library

What our pupils say about The Wordsley School

“I like Wordsley School because there are good lessons and I like meeting my friends. This is one of the best schools ever.”


“I like school because I have made lots of new friends. I like computing because we programme robots and circuits.”


“I enjoy being at the Wordsley School because lessons are fun, the Teachers are kind and I feel safe.”


“We enjoy coming to the Wordsley School because there are lots of exciting lessons and extra- curricular activities and the Teachers are very kind and supportive to us and our learning.”

Sienna and Sydney, DOULTON HOUSE

“I chose Wordsley School because it has a reputation of getting good results and being a very friendly school. I haven’t been disappointed. I have been given numerous learning opportunities both in the classroom and through extra-curricular activities – there is always something to do with lunch or after school clubs. Teachers are very helpful and approachable and are always there for advice and support. I am so glad I came here and would recommend it to anybody.”


Open Mornings

Please click here to view the letter