Progression Through Curriculum
Growth Pathways & monitoring progress
From September 2016, Key Stage 3 targets have been replaced with Growth Pathways. Instead of using levels or sub-levels to assess achievement and inform feedback, the core knowledge, concepts and skills that underpin each subject will be assigned to 4 Growth Pathways.
Pupil achievement will be assessed in relation to the Growth Pathway each pupil has been placed on. Pathways are labelled G R O & W. Pupils’ progress will be assessed each term as Exceeding Expected, Meeting Expected or Less than Expected, dependent on how well they are meeting the criteria within their given Pathway. Each pupil will be expected to have a good understanding of the knowledge, concepts and skills outlined in their Growth Pathways Curriculum Information Booklet. Very simply, each pupils’ target is to master the knowledge, concepts and skills delivered to them in each subject each year.
Growth Pathways and aspirational targets
In order to provide pupils, parents and carers with a measurable indicator of how well learners are progressing and what they are currently on track to achieve at the end of Key Stage 4, pupil achievement in each subject area will be reported in relation to their current Growth Pathway. Each Growth Pathway will have a GCSE Target Range, this indicates the outcomes that pupils are on track to achieve if they continue to work hard towards achieving what is expected of them on their pathway. Once pupils formally begin to study GCSEs towards the end of Year 9 or start of Year 10, this KS4 target range will be replaced with a single aspirational GCSE Target Grade. GCSE target grades are now expressed as the new 9-1 grading system which have replaced the old A*-G grades.
Using a target range instead of a single target grade during Years 7-9 emphasises that outcomes are not fixed or pre-determined. To reinforce the school’s high expectations and the idea that there is no cap or limit on what pupils can achieve, Growth Pathways will be reviewed at regular intervals. Where a pupil is consistently working above and beyond the expectations of their pathway and if we feel it is appropriate, they will be moved up to the next Growth Pathway.
How will pupil progress in relation to their Growth Pathway be reported?
Pupil Growth Pathways provide a clear, consistent and measurable benchmark against which achievement in different subjects can be assessed and reported. In place of progress towards a level or sub-Level on pupils’ reports, teachers will indicate how well pupils are progressing on their individual Pathways:

Exceeding Expected
Indicates a higher level of knowledge, understanding and skills than that of their Growth Pathway at that particular time given what has been taught.
Making Expected
Indicates pupils have mastered the knowledge, understanding and skills of their Growth Pathway thus far.
Working Towards
Indicates there are elements within the knowledge, understanding and skills required of their Growth Pathway that have not been fully grasped to date. Pupils will have received feedback (either verbally or outlined in the marking of their work) from subject teachers as to what actions they need to take to address this.