Our House System

The pastoral system that is in place at Wordsley is at the very heart of our school. We have four houses: Doulton, Stuart, Tudor and Webb, obviously named to reflect the rich history of our local area and draw a connection to the community that we serve. Each house is overseen by a Head of House; a member of teaching staff who is incredibly skilled at nurturing and supporting our pupils and families.

Each house comprises of seven ‘mixed age’ tutor groups. This system is a unique and popular feature of our school; it creates a sense of community, belonging and encourages pupils to build healthy, positive relationships. Older pupils are given the opportunity to nurture younger ones, acting as role models. Younger pupils also benefit as they are given an insight into the experiences of older pupils. This inevitably means that when faced with potential challenges such as choosing GCSE options or revising for exams, our pupils have already been exposed to these through the eyes of their peers, making the experience far less daunting.

We foster healthy rivalry between our houses and offer lots of opportunities for pupils to earn house points. A wide variety of Inter-House competitions, appealing to lots of different strengths and interests of our pupils, take place regularly each term.

House points

Doulton House


Stuart House


Tudor House


Webb House


Doulton House

My name is Mrs Perks. I am Head of Doulton and Head of RE. I have worked at The Wordsley school since 2012 and have thoroughly enjoyed every year.

Doulton is a very special house group to me as I first started in Doulton as a form tutor.
In Doulton we always strive to do our best, work hard as well as having fun along the way.
I would describe Doulton as one big family who always supports each other.

Mrs V Perks

Head of House

Mr Graham-Reid

Assistant Head of House

Stuart House

Mr C Hope

Head of House

Miss E Lloyd

Assistant Head of House

I have been a teacher at The Wordsley School for 12 years and can honestly say that I have enjoyed every minute of it; the experience has shaped the teacher I am today. My main passion is sport which is why I became a PE teacher. I enjoy Football and still play and coach. I also regularly watch the ‘mighty’ Wolves.

Four years ago, I had the opportunity to become Head of Stuart House. My role as a Head of House is to support the pupils of Stuart, whether this be focussing on behaviour, rewards or opportunities to represent the House.

In Stuart we strive to encompass the school values in the following ways:
Curiosity - Being keen to learn
Integrity - Being honest and having strong moral principles
Resilience - Never giving up
Respect - Having an awareness of differences
Kindness -Being kind and helpful to others

If you are in my House, all I ask is you try your best, get involved in all aspects of school life and if you have a problem that is troubling you (regardless how big all small), please come and talk to me

Tudor House

My name is Mrs Longman. I am Head of Tudor House, teacher of Spanish and previously teacher of French and PE. I love spending time with family and friends, travel, sports, theatre and ‘words’.

It is a privilege to be part of Tudor House ‘family’. The Wordsley School House system celebrates iconic names from the local successful glass industry which was renowned worldwide. Tudor Crystal in Audnam is the last working factory still hand making high quality lead crystal! We are proud of our local heritage, and we are proud of Tudor House and our school. The values that we strive for are to be honest, respectful, resilient and kind. We all work together and strive to be the best we can be in all areas of life. We celebrate what we do well, and we challenge ourselves.

I encourage you to get involved in school life and make good memories! There are opportunities for you to ‘shine’ and have fun in many different activities, winning house points along the way. Tudor continue to reign as champions in the inter-house Tug of War competition!

If you ever need advice or simply a chat just come along to see me!

Mrs J Longman

Head of House

Assistant Head of House

Webb House

Mr T Dyson

Head of House

Assistant Head of House

My name is Mr Dyson and I’m the Head of Webb house. I have been the Head of Webb since its creation 15 years ago and I am very proud to have been associated to this great house for so long.

I have taught at The Wordsley school since 2002 and have enjoyed my time immensely. I have previously taught in other schools in the West Midlands and before that I spent 5 years working as an engineer in the steel industry..

Webb is a special House that has a strong sense of community where the pupils and staff are all supportive and welcoming to both present and new pupils. We strive to be the best House in all we do and on the occasions we do not achieve this, we show a resilience and spirit that spurs us on to do better. I look forward to celebrating future house successes.


Open Mornings

Please click here to view the letter