Computer Science

We aim to develop learner’s knowledge, skills and understanding through key computational concepts and experience.  Our KS3 curriculum has been designed to ensure learners have knowledge to stay safe online and think logically to problem solve.  Our KS3 curriculum also provides a focus on developing resilient learners who are able to recover from mistakes, as well as transferring skills across challenges and subjects.  The topics at KS3 give a basis of knowledge, skills and understanding to allow students to progress onto Computer Science at KS4 as well as developing pupil curiosity around technology and the impact it has on people and society.

The rationale of the KS4 curriculum is for students to develop the mind-set of a computer scientist built upon the foundations at KS3. Learners have the opportunity to develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in Computer Science, further applying their computational thinking skills. Our KS4 curriculum is based on 7 different units with a blend of theory and practical applications to aide pupils in understanding the purpose of the subject.

Learning Journey

For more information click on each of the units below.

Growth PAthways KS3

Growth PAthways KS3

GCSE Computer Science 9-1 (OCR J276)

For current Year 11

Non-Examination Assessment – NEA (20%)

As set by the exam board each year, the pupils are presented with a challenge for which they will need to analyse, design, develop, test and document a solution for using the Python programming language. This is released by the exam board in the September of Year 11, and will be completed by December of that year.

Examinations (80%)

There are two examinations for this GCSE, each paper is one hour and 30 minutes long and worth 40% of the overall grade.

  • Systems Architecture

  • Memory

  • Storage

  • Wired and wireless networks

  • Network topologies, protocols and layers

  • System security

  • System software

  • Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns

  • Algorithms

  • Programming techniques

  • Producing robust programs

  • Computational logic

  • Translators and facilities of languages

  • Data representation

GCSE Computer Science 9-1 (OCR J277)

For current Year 10


There are two examinations for this GCSE, each paper is one hour and 30 minutes long and worth 50% of the overall grade.

  • Systems Architecture

  • Memory

  • Storage

  • Wired and wireless networks

  • Network topologies, protocols and layers

  • System security

  • System software

  • Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns

  • Algorithms

  • Programming techniques

  • Producing robust programs

  • Computational logic

  • Translators and facilities of languages

  • Data representation


School Closure

To keep staff and pupils safe, please note that The Wordsley School will be closed today Wednesday 20th November 2024 due to snow and icy conditions on site.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.